
Legal bases of draws and contests

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1.- Organizing Company.

The Community of Owners of the Siam Mall Shopping Center with address at Avenida Siam nº3, 38660 Adeje and with CIF: H-76671668 organizes different contests and sweepstakes among its followers on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

2.- Particular bases.

The requirements to participate in the different contests are described in each contest and will include the information related to the duration of the contest, form of participation and location of the general bases of participation. Each draw or contest will be marked with a start and end date. At the end of the page you can get the specific bases.

3.- Territorial reach of the contest.
Our competitions take place in the Spanish territory. Siam Mall is exempt from paying transfers or extra expenses that may be generated by the prize to the contestant.

4.- Conditions to participate.
Any person of legal age and resident in the Spanish territory may participate in the contest. The contest that includes actions with minors, the parents, representatives or legal guardians are responsible for the participation of the minor.
The employees of the Siam Mall Shopping Center and the companies participating in the contest can not participate in the contest.

5.- How to participate.
To participate in the draw or in the contest, it will be necessary to follow each of the specific actions defined in the social media where it is published.

6.- Winners.
From among all participants we will randomly select a winner, unless the contest involves the participation of a jury or another form of selection of the winner.

7.- Awards.
The prizes are personal and non-transferable. In the case of spending 2 days without contact of the winner after the publication of the result, the prize will be awarded to a new winner.

8.- Communication with the winners of the contest.

Siam Mall will communicate the winners through the social network corresponding to the contest.

9.- Reservations and limitations.

It will be understood, by way of example, but not limiting, that fraud occurs when the alleged use of independent applications to the website is detected; the performance of an abuse of queries to the server and all those behaviors that may be apparently abusive and / or malicious. The verification of any of these circumstances during the contest will result in the automatic disqualification of the contest, as well as the loss of the prize if it has been granted.

Siam Mall is exempt from any liability in the event of any error in the data provided by the owners themselves that prevents their identification.

Likewise, it is not responsible for possible losses, deterioration, theft or any other circumstance attributable to couriers that may affect the sending of prizes.

Siam Mall reserves the right to take legal action against those people who perform any type of act likely to be considered manipulation or falsification of the contest.

Siam Mall excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the temporary lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the services through which it participates in the promotion, to the defraudation of the utility that users they could have attributed to them, and in particular, although not exclusively, to the failures in the access to the different pages and deliveries of participation responses through the Internet.

Siam Mall reserves the right to make changes that result in the successful conclusion of the contest when there is just cause or force majeure reasons that prevent it from being completed in the manner in which these rules are collected.

Siam Mall reserves the right to postpone or extend the period of the contest, as well as the power to interpret these legal bases.

Siam Mall reserves the right to expel from the contest and remove from the official page of the Siam Mall shopping center of the social network, any participant who does not respect these rules or who publishes any defamatory, insulting, obscene, threatening content , xenophobic, that incites violence, is discriminatory or that in any other way violates the moral, public order, honor, privacy or image of third parties. Likewise, the organizing company will be exempt from any responsibility if any of the indicated cases occur, as well as any responsibility for the damages that may be caused during the enjoyment of the prize.

10.- Personal data.

The Community of Owners of the Siam Mall Shopping Center through its contests and / or sweepstakes does not collect personal data. You can learn more about our privacy policy here.

11.- Acceptance of the regulation.

Potential participants are informed that the mere fact of participating in the contest implies full acceptance of these regulations. The organizing company reserves the right to eliminate any user who defrauds, alters or disables the proper functioning and normal course of the contest, being released from compliance with any obligation to that participant.

12- Facebook or Twitter or Instagram.

Facebook, Twitter and / or Instagram are exempt from any liability and do not sponsor, endorse or manage in any way the contests and raffles of our shopping center.

Contests and raffles have specific rules:

Siam Mall’s “Check-in and accumulate” legal basis